Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Why? Because I love you!

Greetings, friend(s), and welcome to the only Michael Jackson free zone in this vast series of tubes!

In case you haven't noticed by now, I started a blog. I'll give you a second for it all to sink in.

We good?

Now then, some of you may be wondering to yourselves "I know Chico (Danny, Dan, Lord Pumpernickel, but for the purpose of this blog let's stick with Chico) pretty well, he doesn't seem like the kind of guy that would start a blog". There was a time when that would've been a pretty accurate thought. However, I've recently come to see blogs as a good thing, rather than just the drunken ramblings of intoxicated losers. They can also be a great source of entertainment for sober losers at work!

For those who know me, (presumably everyone reading this right now) you know that I spend 8 hours a day doing what most people would get in trouble for doing at work. I'm a professional internet surfer. Yes, you read that correctly. I am cursed/fortunate enough to spend seemingly endless hours every day surfing the internet, so I feel I'm in a unique position to share my weird and wacky findings with all you wonderful people in Internetopia. I promise you, the depths I venture into the internets are much further than most of you would ever dare travel, and some of the things I find are nothing short of spectacular. But mainly I'm just doing this because I find that typing shit up seems to make time fly by pretty quickly, and 5 o'clock never seems to come early enough.

Before any of you decide to pull out your red pens, I should mention that I am NOT a professional writer, nor am I an English teacher. I have been speaking the language most of my life, but even I'm likely to make spelling/grammatical errors, and based on my blood alcohol level at times, some posts may not even be coherent.

With that being said, I have nothing left to say and will say only this. If you are not COMPLETELY satisfied with my internetting skills and findings, I will be happy to offer you a full refund of the subscription price.

That's it for now, I'm off to hunt for a bit of awesome!

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