Tuesday, July 14, 2009

No Parking

I can't believe I've gone 3 posts already, and haven't once mentioned my contempt for adults with imaginary friends. Well maybe contempt is the wrong word. Pity perhaps? Call it what you will, the fact remains that the second these religitards try to tell me the "truth", I stop listening to anything else they have to say.

Unfortunately in this world it's next to impossible to keep the company of only logical thinking people, so I'll try not to alienate any of my family or friends who might hold some of these silly beliefs. You'll notice I didn't say uneducated, or dumb, because somehow even intelligent people are susceptible to being brainwashed.

I am more than happy to give religion all the respect it deserves, which is absolutely none. I couldn't find the exact quote, but British comedian and Atheist crusader, Pat Condell said something about that in one of his YouTube videos that stuck with me.

Actually scratch that....I just found the video. I couldn't possibly put it any better than the man himself.

Pat Condell on faith

I would add to that if I could, but that pretty accurately sums up how I feel about religion. So if I've offended you, then I can only assume you deserved it.

So anyway, what set off today's rant was something I stumbled upon at work. Hearing about a group of lunatics willing to give up their lives for their beliefs is nothing new, but you really have to be a special kind of idiot to do it over a parking lot.

No Parking on Saturday

These are the people that deserve ridicule. You have to be mentally ill to believe any of this primitive bullshit. Although I'm guessing it doesn't say a damn thing in their Torah about driving on Saturdays anyway.

Work calls, so I'll leave it there for today.

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