Monday, August 31, 2009

Today's Lesson: The Catholic Church

Gather 'round children, and hear the words of funnyman Louis C.K. as he teaches us all about the wonders of the Catholic church.

Louis C.K. learns about the Catholic church

Thanks for the REAL, real truth, Louis.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Missing Link

I found him, and I think he might play the guitar!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


You know those blank, plastic CDs you get when you buy a stack of blank CDs? Have you ever thought it was a waste to just throw them out? Well probably not, but in my line of work we're burning about 1000 CDs a month for clients, so I figured I'd start collecting them for some sort of project when I had enough. About 200 plastic CDs, and a year later, my inspiration has finally come. I never really had any plans for them, but I was hoping to use them all in one go. Well it turns out this new idea will allow me to use them one at a time for extended enjoyment.

Bubble Discs

Now what I want to know, is why am I only hearing about this now?!

Friday, August 21, 2009


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Holy Shit!

Holy shit!

Extreme Pool Jump!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Helpful Reminder

If you're like me, and I know you are, sometimes even the simplest of tasks can leave you feeling lost and helpless. But thanks to the magic of the internets, you'll never be left in the dark again.

My latest brain cell strike came when I found myself in a bit of a situation. I was about to experience a total eclipse of the heart, but alas I had no idea what to do! Do I turn around now? Who has bright eyes? Am I falling apart???

Fortunately the good people at the internets were able to help me. After a quick Google search, they pointed me in the direction of a support group for people with the same affliction as me. It seems I'm not the first person to be caught off guard by an eclipsing heart.

So for those of you at risk of suffering from eclipsing organs, I give you this easy to follow flow chart. I can only hope it saves you the pain I've been forced to endure so many times in the past.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Go Joe!

I can't say I've gotten around to seeing the new G.I. Joe movie, nor do I have any plans to do so, but I still think it's safe to say that this is the only good thing to come as a result of this movie being made.

G.I. Joe Ballad

Thank you for rekindling my love of little plastic men, Funny or Die.

Friday, August 7, 2009

New Rule: Smart President ≠ Smart Country

In a perfect world, this man would be President. If I were American, and I honestly thought the rest of the country was intelligent enough to elect him, the Maher/Stewart or even Stewart/Maher ticket would have my vote in a heartbeat.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ineligible to serve.

I just got some bad news today. It turns out due to my place of birth, I do not meet the requirements of the constitution of this site to have a blog. My attempts to stay one step ahead of the birther movement were squashed today as I received a copy of my original Kenyan birth certificate in the mail, which I've fought so hard to keep private all these years.

My Birth Certificate

I'm assuming the Blogger Feds are on there way to my office right now, so I better cut this short.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The forecast calls for a chance of rock.

Yup, I'm still here....

In my line of work I get/have to listen to a lot of music. I think I can safely say I spend more time in a week listening to music than most people spend doing anything else. Of the thousands of songs I go through in a month, I'm lucky if I can come up with an album's worth of decent new music that I like. Well yesterday I hit that mark in one fell swoop. Allow me to first tantalize your taste buds...errr...ears with this tasty little treat.

The Dead Weather - Treat Me Like Your Mother

Assuming your head stayed intact until the end of that video, I'm guessing you won't be able to do another thing until you hear the entire album. Well Merry effin' Christmas, mis amigos!

The Dead Weather - Horehound (Rapidshare)

If you haven't guessed by now, this is Jack White's latest project of the month. In this chapter however he's decided to literally take a back seat and give up the lead role to the always sexy Alison Mosshart of The Kills and a couple other bands who's names escape me right now.

If you're into dirty, raunchy, kick you in the face garage rock, then this is an album you do not want to miss.
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